About Us
In both our preschool and pre k programs, we focus on spreading kindness both in our classroom and communities.
We give children the tools to enrich their entire being. Building a strong foundation as an early learner will set your child on the path to achieving all of their goals.
This is something we practice and celebrate often at String Bean Farm School.
Caring for creatures large and small, enables children to develop compassion, empathy, self confidence, responsibility, and provides numerous opportunities to learn.
Our class gardens provides opportunities to strengthen fine motor skills, gross motor skills and exposes children to new fruits and vegetables.
Our love for community and the world around us is expressed through volunteering, fundraising and participating in activities to strengthen our environment. From recycling our left over food scraps to donating to local charities these practices will help promote a sense of purpose, compassion, empathy and self confidence.
Our love of science drives our passion to participate in citizen based research studies and explore the world around us. We have collected data for Inland Fisheries and Wild Life to track deer populations, collected data for Mission monarch to track numbers of Monarch caterpillars and milkweed plants, We raise frog eggs in our classroom to learn about the life cycle of a frog, we study the pattern of leaves and bark so we can identify Maple trees in late winter to tap and collect sap for maple syrup.

Our Program
String Bean Farm School is nature based program allowing your child to explore the world around them. Everything your child touches is an opportunity to expand their knowledge.
From our indoor classroom to our outdoor classroom your child will play in our mud kitchen, explore our native sensory garden, tend our raised bed gardens, worm farm and chicken coop.
Our School library/art center will provide numerous books and plenty of art supplies to allow your child to express their creativity.